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Filling forms is easy to do digitally, but to protect your privacy, identity, and benefits, the best way to sign forms is with a pen.
This means you'll have to print, sign, scan and then send your forms.
The only part of a form that we require to be filled is the signature field. This means that every other part of your form can be done digitally. Once you've filled everything but the signature, it's a simple matter of printing your form to sign with a pen!
If you don't have a printer, you'll need to find a way to access one. Fortunately, there are some options:
The best way to submit forms via mobile is to print them, sign them, and then use a mobile scanning app to turn your signed form into a PDF that you can submit to. Apple and Android devices both offer native apps that will allow you to easily scan your documents:
For Apple devices: How to scan documents on your iphone or ipad
For Andriod devices: Scan documents with Google Drive
If you use a paid account for a certified e-signature platform like DocuSign, we can accept e-signature - but for most of our members this is not viable. Check our article for more information on e-signature rules.