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Our Commitment to the Fair Treatment of Customers

At Medavie Blue Cross our mission is to improve the wellbeing of Canadians. We are committed to the fair treatment of our customers, adhering to the principles prescribed by the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators, as well as our provincial regulators. Respect and transparency are fundamental to ensure we treat our existing and potential customers fairly by adhering to the following principles:

1. Governance and Business Culture

The treatment of our customers is grounded in our mission and values. This includes oversight from our Board of Directors and Senior Management Team and requires the full engagement of all our employees.

2. Protection of Personal Information

Ensuring the confidentiality of client information has always been fundamental to the way we do business, and employees take our privacy policies and procedures very seriously. When we share personal information with our service providers, we have contracts in place to ensure a consistent level of accountability from our partners.

3. Expert Advice

We work with our employees and partners to ensure they have the tools and training in place to deliver on our customer promise.

4. Product Design, Marketing and Advertising

We take an inclusive approach in the development and marketing of all our products and services, including fair and equitable pricing. We empower customers to make informed decisions by providing all essential information clearly and accurately to address their unique needs.

5. Conflicts of Interest

Our systems and policies are designed to encourage full transparency, support the disclosure of relevant information and to mitigate potential conflicts of interest. We are committed to ensuring that any perceived or potential conflicts of interest are addressed immediately.

6. Claims Handling and Settlement

Our claims and complaints processes have been designed to be equitable and transparent while ensuring fair and timely resolution.

7. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We foster a culture that embraces diversity, equity and inclusion and ensures that our products and services are accessible to all customers.

8. Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution

We value feedback and recognize that actively listening to our customers can lead to innovation and plays an important role in enhancing our products and services. Our Consumer Resolution process outlines the key steps that a client should take in the event they wish to provide us with feedback or bring a concern forward.