Make sure to use your email to log in. If you experience problems logging in, you can reset your login information on the login page.
Don't have an account? Register here
For members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and clients of Veterans Affairs Canada
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For group benefit plan administrators and federal department plan administrators
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Log in to ePay
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Please ensure you have a paid-in-full receipt for all claims.
Based on the type of claim, we may also require additional details or documents, such as a physician's prescription. Specific requirements can be found within the coverage details of our Blue Cross Mobile app or using the Member Services Site.
Missing documentation will result in delays processing your claim, so please double-check requirements to make sure you're sending in everything required. Once you're all set, you can submit your claim to us.
(Keep in mind that services must be provided by a Medavie Blue Cross-approved health professional to be eligible for coverage. You can find an approved provider through our mobile app, or use our online search tool to find one who offers ePay direct payment service.)