Make sure to use your email to log in. If you experience problems logging in, you can reset your login information on the login page.
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For members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and clients of Veterans Affairs Canada
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For group benefit plan administrators and federal department plan administrators
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Direct Deposit enables your reimbursement to be automatically deposited into the bank account of your choice once your claim has been submitted and approved.
You can get set up for Direct Deposit using either our mobile app or by visiting our Member Services site. You can also locate a PDF form here. You'll be asked for the number of your bank account, your transit number and branch number (don't worry—we'll tell you where to find that info).
Once you’re signed up for Direct Deposit, you can submit claims online using our eClaims service for fast and convenient reimbursement.
Why can't I edit my banking information?
Some group (employee) plan members may be unable to edit their banking information online, based on their group's preferences. If this applies to you, simply download and complete the Direct Deposit Request Form available from the resources section and send it to one of the Blue Cross offices listed on the form.