Make sure to use your email to log in. If you experience problems logging in, you can reset your login information on the login page.
Don't have an account? Register here
For members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and clients of Veterans Affairs Canada
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For group benefit plan administrators and federal department plan administrators
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Log in to ePay
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If you've lost your card, you can get an immediate replacement by logging on to the Member Services site and selecting the 'Print or share member card' option under My Account. From there, you can print, download or share a PDF of your member card, which can be used the same way as your plastic member card.
If you'd like a digital version of your member card to store on your mobile device, or to share with family members, download Blue Cross Mobile and select the Member Icon on the top right of the screen. From there select Member Card from the My Account page or My Account from the right corner menu.