Group Administrator Toolkit
The Group Administrator Toolkit provides support with logging in, administration changes, and invoices.
The Group Administrator Toolkit provides support with logging in, administration changes, and invoices.
The Group Administrator Toolkit provides support with logging in, administration changes, and invoices.
We’ve collected some important resources to help you manage disability claims.
We’ve collected some important resources to help you manage disability claims.
Live and recorded instruction to help group administrators get work done faster, and more confidently.
Live and recorded instruction to help group administrators get work done faster, and more confidently.
We created an improved consolidated invoice, offering detailed information in an easier-to-read format with all of your benefits on one single invoice. You may receive a reduced number of invoices due to this new structure (if applicable). Only one payment is required (or paid through pre-authorized payment) for all the benefits listed on the new invoice, including specialty products. Please note that all invoices will be sent electronically, you can find more information in the toolkit’s ebills section.
Specialty Products will appear on your consolidated invoice. If you currently have any of our Wellness Products, such as inConfidence® Employee, Family Assistance Program or Medical Second Opinion™ services, they will appear as line items in the body of your invoice with the applicable rates.
Our billing process is to calculate coverage amounts based on the actual effective and termination dates of each member, rather than deferring an effective date to the first day of the subsequent month, or extending coverage to the last day of the month of termination.
Your broker or consultant can typically provide a calculator to assist with tax optimization, taxable benefits and payroll deductions. This is not a tool provided by Medavie Blue Cross.
If you currently use, or plan to use, online banking, you must re-register with the account number found on your invoice remittance stub. Please see our Invoice Guide for support on reviewing the new document and adjustments.
To view a bill click 'Reports & Billing' on the 'Welcome' screen'. Then select 'Billing' from the menu.
On the 'Search Bills' screen, the most recent bills will automatically appear under the 'Search Results'.
To view bills for specific policies and/or divisions, select one or more options from the 'Policy - Division/Name' drop-down. For a complete list of bills, Select All.
Please contact your Medavie Blue Cross representative for more information.
Once members receive their ID number they can use the Blue Cross Mobile app, and Member Services site to access many services like:
Find out more about our ePay, eClaim and Direct Deposit services by clicking here. In addition, our Explanation of Benefit statements, are now paper free. More information is highlighted in our Member Centre.
Once members receive their ID number they can use the Blue Cross Mobile app, and Member Services site to access many services like:
Find out more about our ePay, eClaim and Direct Deposit services by clicking here. In addition, our Explanation of Benefit statements, are now paper free. More information is highlighted in our Member Centre.
Open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Atlantic)